Our Blog
Who can you trust?
Who can you trust? I read the Paterson Inquiry report today. Which is an unusual thing for me to do. I don’t normally read inquiry reports. It’s not that I don’t care, or I’m not interested. It’s just that they so often leave me feeling hopeless and shocked. Harm,...
Lancashire and South Cumbria as a New Commissioning System: The Journey So Far
August 2018 marked a one-year milestone in Lancashire and South Cumbria’s journey towards a new commissioning system.
Case Study: Set up and delivery of high-profile Children’s Transformation Programme
Background: In order to improve the health & wellbeing of children & young people throughout the region…
Programme Directors: More than project managers, more like acrobats with stamina
Ask recruiters what you need to be a successful Programme Director and they may tell you the following: