Julie Haywood Consulting
Unlocking Solutions to Complex Challenges
Strategic Support To Clients Across The Health And Social Care Sector
Supporting clients with organisational diagnostics and assessments
Working with organisations to design and deliver programmes of change
Providing capacity to mobilise strategy and implement goals
Supporting agencies to collaborate better
Enabling clients to create stronger partnerships and to work more effectively in systems
Accomplished Leadership
Julie Haywood Consulting provides programme management, system transformation and strategy execution support to clients across the health and social care sector. We help clients find paths through complex challenges. We focus on designing and implementing feasible and effective solutions to unlock system assets and increase value to the organisation and its partners.
Whether creating a short-term approach for process improvement or executing a long-term strategy for system or service transformation, our methodology is to start with careful and thoughtful investigation and analysis. Reliable business diagnostics are used to understand people, process and politics thus enabling timely and informed movement to a plan for action.
Who can you trust?
Who can you trust? I read the Paterson Inquiry report today. Which is an unusual thing for me to do. I don’t normally read inquiry reports. It’s not that I don’t care, or I’m not interested. It’s just that they so often leave me feeling hopeless and shocked. Harm,...
Lancashire and South Cumbria as a New Commissioning System: The Journey So Far
August 2018 marked a one-year milestone in Lancashire and South Cumbria’s journey towards a new commissioning system.
Case Study: Set up and delivery of high-profile Children’s Transformation Programme
Background: In order to improve the health & wellbeing of children & young people throughout the region…