What We Do

Programme Management

We offer a robust programme management service that we can align to your existing operations to give you professional and practical support. Our programme management approach is based on designing the right kind of programme architecture for your needs, leading and coordinating any portfolios that need to sit within the programme, establishing and managing projects and work streams focused on the delivery of programme goals, working effectively with stakeholders, partners and subject matter experts, managing programme resource needs and ensuring mitigation, appropriate escalation and resolution of risks. We reliably deliver programme objectives on time, on budget, to a high standard and with successful and measured outcomes.

Formulation and Theming

Before embarking on any assignment, we ensure that we have carefully understood and finalised the brief with the client. We support the client to clearly formulate the things that they want to accomplish, which includes the hard deliverables of the project alongside any softer system benefits that can also be achieved. We give an objective and reflective view of relevant issues, enabling the client to take the most effective strategic approach to any situation. Where a client is unclear about next steps we can support them to reach a clear direction by undertaking thematic reviews, benchmarking comparisons, options appraisals and benefits assessments.

System Alignment

Knowing that system changes are a constant in many organisations, we can offer support with establishing collaborative plans and approaches to enable success in new jurisdictional boundaries or new footprints for programme work. We are experienced in working on projects requiring a strong focus on integration and inter agency co-operation. We use a range of models and skills to support the achievement of aligned working and we are successful, even in very complex arrangements of organisational layers. We are extremely resilient in working with the variety of issues that aiming for system alignment generates. We can provide an approach that offers the right level of assurance, pace and transparency that is required to keep stakeholders on board and together.

Stakeholder Engagement

We specialise in galvanising and mobilising stakeholders and partners around co-produced and shared solutions that are identified and recommended after careful consideration with the client. We build and link partnerships and our approach is based on creativity and integrity. We are experienced in working with patients, customers and end users, clinicians, practitioners, experts, private, public and voluntary sector organisations, as well as regulators, leaders, the media and elected members. We can facilitate stakeholder events, design and deliver focus groups and workshops, conduct surveys and interviews, thematically analyse feedback and present collated findings from engagement processes.

Leader Effectiveness

We focus on providing meaningful insight and regular feedback to our clients, such that they are well sighted on all the near and far constraints and opportunities, relevant to the assignment. Where helpful, we offer feedback pertaining to the client’s own role as part of a total value add for a programme of work. We can support clients to align effective people to organisational objectives and resources to ensure deliverables are successfully achieved and to increase performance from teams and individuals. We work with a range of experienced and skilled professionals who provide diagnostics, assessments, coaching, mentoring and orgnaisational development diagnostics, skills assessmentm, support around change, systems, achieving high performance and overcoming blocks.

Transformation into Delivery

We are dedicated to ensuring that transformation is achieved through successful delivery. We can offer an end to end solution from strategy design to action planning and we can support clients who want to focus on any particular part of their transformation goals change. We can develop a strategy from the beginning by using a tried and tested 6 step approach: external environmental assessment, internal situational review, vision and goal setting, issue identification, options assessment and best fit recommendations. We can also support clients by enabling the translation of strategy to delivery and mobilisation.

Who We Work With

Lancashire Children and Young Peoples Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Transformation Programme

Programme design, development and leadership support to mobilise the county wide Transformation Programme.

NHS Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group

Programme leadership work to operationalise a shared decision to implement organisational boundary change.

Kendal Integrated Care Community

Project management support to GP leaders and partners to mobilise an Integrated Care Community (ICC).

Lancashire and South Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership

Diagnostics, interviews and thematic review work to enable leaders to identify change opportunities and constraints. Development of a new Commissioning Framework centred around a new ‘place based’ approach across the system and supported by a Mobilisation Plan.

Dumfies and Galloway Council

Support to undertake a Council wide review of day centres and day care services for older people accompanied by the development of a model and strategy for future provision.

NHS Lancashire North Clinical Commissioning Group

Programme leadership work to operationalise a shared decision to implement organisational boundary change.

Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Programme leadership support to re-fresh a 3 year children’s service transformation strategy, implement a PMO approach with overseeing governance and strengthen relationships across the system.

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Reviewing children with disabilities (CCHDT services) as part of a broader programme of transformation being undertaken to deliver both service improvement and budget savings.

Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust

Project leadership to enable clinicians and practitioners to develop new models of clinical care for paediatrics, neonatal services, maternity services, gynaecology and sexual health services as part of the Acute Sustainability Programme.

Riverside Housing Group

Project management of two streams of work: one to develop new policies for the management of Serious Incidents and the other to undertake an evidence review and customer engagement around intergenerational living.

Scottish Borders Council

Change management support to enable the Council to review it’s social work service as part of a Council wide transformation strategy aimed at empowering communities and digitally enabling citizens.

Warrington Borough Council

Project Management to remodel bed based and community based intermediate tier services for the Warrington population.

Director of the CJT Alliance, a group of business consultants who bring both expert capability and capacity through shared principles, vision and approaches.


Who We Work With

Lancashire Children and Young Peoples Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Transformation Programme

Programme design, development and leadership support to mobilise the county wide Transformation Programme.

NHS Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Lancashire North Clinical Commissioning Group

Programme leadership work to operationalise a shared decision to implement organisational boundary change.

Kendal Integrated Care Community

Project management support to GP leaders and partners to mobilise an Integrated Care Community (ICC).

Lancashire and South Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Plan Programme

Diagnostics, interviews and thematic review work to enable leaders to identify change opportunities and constraints.

Lancashire Children and Young Peoples Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Transformation Programme

Programme design, development and leadership support to mobilise the county wide Transformation Programme.

NHS Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Lancashire North Clinical Commissioning Group

Programme leadership work to operationalise a shared decision to implement organisational boundary change.

Director of the CJT Alliance, a group of business consultants who bring both expert capability and capacity through shared principles, vision and approaches.



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© 2023 | Julie Haywood Consulting